Everywhere are almond trees. They been growing here for years. We picked the almond, dry it out, take it apart and put it in our chocolate. You’ll like it cause it’s from our yard. Rich in minerals and no messin with the way it grows. They call it Organic, but wi call it Pure…. Try our chocolate Almond bar from Cloud 9 and see what you think.
Ingredients – not much to say other than it’s real grown food. Straight out off the trees in the balmy breeze of St. Mary Jamaica –
Jamaican Cocoa, Cocoa Butter, Jamaican Sugar Cane. (easy peezie)
Cloud 9 is a delight to the eye, a pleasure to the taste, and made tangible in forms that will introduce you to the warmth of what a tropical island and its people of St. Mary Jamaica can create.
We all have fond memories of Grandma reaping chocolate pods from the yaad and then making them into rich chocolate balls for tea. Sipping on the veranda in the evenings over sunsets and a sumptuous meal that only Grandma can create.
St. Mary Cocoa is the best dim chocolate in the world, mi mother sa. Years past and while grandma done gon to heaven, her chocolate stay wi mi.
Us yaadi girls while single with picni’s still believe in the cocoa of my grandma. So here it is. Cloud 9 chocolate bars. Nobody been doing this since 1994??
We use only real things grown in Jamaica, made in Jamaica and sold in Jamaica. Taste our Jamaica in our yard and see if you won’t want to take some home to your yard and share with your pickni’s.
It’s from us to you. Real good stuff. Cloud 9, a piece of heaven from our island to you.